Sir Henry Brett's Gift to the CitySir Henry Brett's Gift to the City

Sir Henry Brett's Gift to the City

Excerpt from Auckland City Council Minutes, 14 Mar 1907:

HENRY BRETT 14/3/07, offering to provide an Organ for the Town Hall on condition (1) that the requisite space for the organ as set out in the specifications shall be provided and (2) that a certain number of performances to be hereafter agreed upon, shall be given to the public free every year.

His Worship the MAYOR [Sir Arthur Myers] moved
Councillor PARR seconded

“That this Council accepts with feelings of exceedingly great pleasure and satisfaction Mr Henry Brett’s magnificent gift of an Organ for the new Town Hall for the City of Auckland.

Mr. Brett has always shown a practical interest in any movement in relation to music in this City, and this last gift further proves his devotion to the City in which he has lived for so many years and his sincere desire to add to the enjoyment and education of its Citizens, and this Council feels that it cannot allow the occasion to pass without expressing its sincere and heartfelt thanks for such a generous gift.”

Carried with acclamation.

Auckland City Council Archives ACC 101/16 p.851.

Looking up at the Auckland Town Hall Klais organ at the plaque above the console, which reads "This tablet commemorates the gift by Henry Brett to the citizens of Auckland of the Organ to which this memorial was gratefully affixed by the corporation. 14 December 1911.”

"This tablet commemorates the gift by Henry Brett to the citizens of Auckland of the Organ to which this memorial was gratefully affixed by the corporation. 14 December 1911.”


Page image credits: Sir Henry Brett (1910) | Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections NZG-19100216-0022-02, Plan of the Town Hall Organ (25 March 1909) | Auckland City Council Archives ACC 015/2761, Plaque commemorating Sir Henry Brett's gift, now affixed to the Klais organ | David Straight, 2023.

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